
About Dental Consultations

There is no fee to set up a dental consultation appointment.  The consultation for most patients will be about 20 minutes.
In some cases it is possible to have a Tela-Dent consult so you will not have to come to the office.
To arrange a dental consultation appointment call our office at (630) 420-0013 or complete the contact information form below.

50% Off Offer Terms Why Minis?

Dental Consultation Agreement and Understanding

  • There will be NO charge for the consultation discussion.
  • This appointment is not a complete oral exam and some conditions may not be revealed until we have thoroughly examined and evaluated your oral condition.
  • We will discuss your condition and your individual circumstances, present the options and costs for your specific situations, and give you some information about financing options.
  • We will prepare a detailed written treatment plan at the time of the consultation if possible.
  • This plan will outline the anticipated steps, estimate of time involved and a schedule of how the work will be completed.
  • It will quote the exact agreed costs for the treatment you have chosen, any special conditions or considerations, and a detailed outline of the warranty for your treatment.
  • Any x-rays that are taken are property of our office unless the patient pays for them. If the patient for any reason would like to have copies of the x-rays or send the x-rays to another office they will need to pay for them (at the usual fee)
  • before any copies are given out or sent.
  • We understand that you may be getting other opinions and estimates. We would appreciate the opportunity and courtesy of reviewing and discussing those with you and any discrepancies between the estimates or any information contrary to what we have told you.
  • All quotes need to be in writing (discussed above) and will be valid for up to 6 months from the appointment. Please keep in mind that all quotes are estimates and may vary as treatment evaluation progresses but you will always be informed in advance of any changes.