Our office does not provide direct funding or payment plans. We have three financing companies we work with to provide this option to our patients. These three financing companies are:
- Lending USA provides personal loans with 6 month to 5 year terms. This company’s qualification standards are the easiest to meet. Visit www.lendingusa.com to learn more about their loan programs. If after reviewing this company’s information, you’d like to apply for a loan from them, follow this link for their online application: Lending USA Loan Application
- Care Credit provides credit card loans. The credit card they issue is good for paying all health related expenses. This is similar to other credit cards and has a minimum monthly payment you will have to make or be charged penalties. Visit www.carecredit.com to learn more about their programs. If after reviewing this company’s information, you’d like to apply for a loan from them, follow this link for their online application: Care Credit Application
Please note that you can apply for all three programs if you wish and use each to pay for your treatment. This will mean having three separate monthly payments for each program. If you have any further questions please call us at (630) 420-0013. Thank you.